Max Immanuel Theodor Zwar (C2.1.1)
- Born: 14 May 1912 Stuttgart, Germany
- Parents:
Johannes Ernst Carl and Martha Zwar nee Bellon - Lived:
Germany. Switzerland. Point Pass and Blyth, South Australia. - Died: 23rd January 1982 Blyth, South Australia
- Buried: Clare cemetery, South Australia
Detailed biography
My Father, Max Immanuel Theodor Zwar
My Father was born in Stuttgart, Germany, as a British Subject while his parents were there recuperating from illness. For more details see the detailed biography of my paternal grandfather, Johannes Ernst Carl ZWAR (C2.1)
Point Pass
Not long after my Father’s birth in May 1912, the family moved to Point Pass in South Australia where Grandpa was the Lutheran Minister at the St Petri Parish. Point Pass is where my father grew up and went to school. Today it is a small village and from visiting there, it looks like it was always a small but nice village.
When he became a teenager, my Father told his parents that he too wanted to study for the ministry and they sent him to the Basle Seminary in Switerland. But that calling was not to be for him and he then undertook trade training in Germany.
Dad returned to Australia briefly in the early 1930s but then went back to Germany to further his trade experience. As the war approached, Dad returned to Australia at the end of 1938 and met and subsequently married my Mother in June 1939 in Adelaide.
I was born in 1943 in country Victoria but grew up in South Australia, mainly in Adelaide. Dad had a french-polishing and cabinet-making business and we lived in Toorak Gardens, an inner Adelaide suburb. I was their only child.
In late 1952 we all embarked for Europe where we lived for a little over a year returning to Australia in early 1954.
Loss of Wife
Dad had tool-making and engineering skills and worked in that capacity for Philips in Adelaide. Sadly, my Mother became seriously ill and passed away in 1957.
Some time after this my Dad met and subsequently married his second wife, Jean, and they continued to live in Adelaide and at that time my Dad worked for General Motors Holden. Dad and my step-mother had three children. Sadly their first died shortly after birth but two healthy daughters followed; one now lives in W.A. and the other in N.S.W.
Final Years
After he retired, they moved to Blyth, near Clare, north of Adelaide, where both of them had a small craft and gemstone business.
Dad passed away in January 1982 in Blyth and is buried nearby in the Clare cemetery.
© Eric Zwar.