Herbert Edwin Saegenschnitter
- Born: 12th August 1931 at Sandleton
- Parents:
Meta and Bert Saegenschnitter - Jennifer Phillips 19th May 1962
- Lived:
Sandleton and Nurioopta, in South Australia - Died:
- Buried:
- Married:
Detailed biography
The following biography is the work of the late Dean Saegenschnitter, who collected and compiled ‘Before and After’, a Family History of the Saegenschnitter descendants of Auguste Emilie Lydia Becker and Carl Friedrich Gustav Saegenschnitter.
Permission was given by Deans’ family to publish the biographies which he called ‘Backgrounds’.
Church and School
I was born at Sandleton on August 12th 1931. Was Christened in the local Lutheran church. Near the church was the school, this I commenced going to in 1938 and for another 3 years. The School then closed due to lack of numbers, finally I completed my education by correspondance lessons in 1945.
After completing my education, I helped my father on the farm until 1956, when I bought my own farm in the Sandleton district, which I have to this day. Besides farming, I did casual work, such as fencing, woodcutting, shearing, and truck driving in the Truro Blanchetown area.
Marriage and Home
On 19th. May 1962,1 married Jennifer Phillips who came from Tea Tree Gully, Adelaide. In the same year we built our house on the Old Sturt Highway, Nurioopta, in which we still to this day.
Also in 1962, I began working at the Angaston cement works. This I did for 20 years
Both our daughters Debra and Sharon were born in Angaston.
© ‘Before and After’
by Dean Saegenschnitter